Design 2: THE WAY

Design 2: THE WAY

Design 2: “The Way”.

“The Way” contrasts the two paths in this life and cross-references Matthew 7:13-14 and John 14:6. The dark path (which is sewn underneath the base garment for added depth and texture) is wide and seems to wind easily and mindlessly, however, it leads to destruction. The light path, on the other hand, is narrow, yet it bears fruit and is full of life. When we choose to follow Jesus on the narrow path, He restores the places where we once walked in darkness, and we now have the light of life.

While it has no words, this piece speaks volumes through every little detail. We could have chosen to go the easy route and sew the dark patchwork on top of each piece, but we felt it wouldn’t do the message justice. By sewing underneath the base garment and cutting out the fabric on top, this patchwork communicates the darkness being in the past and Jesus’s light of life restoring where you once walked in darkness.

We made sure to use materials with similar compositions for the base garments and their patchwork to keep the structure consistent, making each piece cohesive. All stamp work is made from hand-carved block stamps and rolled with block stamp fabric ink to give it a worn in and distressed look.

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